Monday, May 21, 2012

Singles ward: one week later

It really pains me to say this, but this week it wasn't so bad.

I mean, aside from priesthood meeting when I walked in late and had to sit by Mr. Acts-Like-He-Owns-The-Place (I ignored his weirdness by tweeting through the meeting), it was a good time at church.

In sunday school and sacrament meeting I've become part of Cute Ginger Girl's back row crew, and it's nice to know I have friends to sit by every week.

Anyway, the point:

In sacrament meeting, right after the high councilman called out the congregation for looking at our phones during his talk (guilty), I decided to set some summer goals. Thinking about how bored I've been, I figured I should prolly meet some new faces.

Let's face it. Not having friends to hang out with blows. That's one of the biggest complaints I have about living in Midvale, because most of my friends have already moved away or got all married. Ew.

Goal: Meet one new person every week.

As soon as I made my mind up to make new friends, I felt like I should probably ask the bishop if I could speak in sacrament meeting-- as if the introductory "It's Stoo-key, not Stuck-ee" from the back of the chapel to the pulpit wasn't awkward enough. 

I also found out our ward plays softball, something I've been dying to do all summer. There will probably be more on that later. 

Back to the goal... 

As soon as church ended, I was stopped by three different groups of girls! Not that it's really out of the ordinary for me to meet girls quickly (no comments from the peanut gallery, please), I was just surprised because all of them wanted to meet me instead of the other way around. 

A quick game summary: 
  • Nice Dress Girl is very pretty, seems fun, likes to boulder, and has a wrist tattoo that I find strangely attractive. I could tell from her reaction that she'd been dying for someone to compliment her dress all day.
  • BYU Idaho Girl is also pretty, seems fun, gave me her number, and liked my tie. Normally that doesn't mean anything, but she said so as I passed in an obvious attempt to get me to stop. Also, she wanted me to save a dance for her at the country swing fhe coming up. 
  • The Group of Four: Not completely sure on all of them, but they're cute enough and not shy. Plus they wanted me to speak Scottish to them. I didn't, but maybe if they're nice to me... One of them added me on the ol facebook the day of church.
  • Rock Climbing Girl: People don't usually look great when they're all sweaty and gross, but Rock Climbing Girl is MUCH more attractive in person. She seems cool. 
  • Oh, can't forget Cute Ginger Girl. Unless the two phrases after you remember her are "friend zone" and "ginger." (I'm totally going to regret writing this...) All the same, she's way cool. Very sarcastic and very fun. But I guess I didn't meet her today, so maybe she doesn't count after all. 

Life will be much better when I meet new people. Being honest, every new person I meet is probably going to be female anyway, so that's never bad.