Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Romance section of the library

Hopefully when you see the title of this post, you won't think "Oh no, Tavin's lost it and gone all gay and stuff on us."

No, I have not checked out any romance novels from the library, nor have I swiped a smutty book from my mother's shelf (see "A hidden ability," May 11).

I was reading in one of the comfy chairs in the back corner of the library the other day when the narrator in my mind's ear was rudely interrupted by giggling. I glanced over to the chairs in the nearby laptop area and saw two 14-year-old (tops) kids kissing before I return to my book.

Wait, did I really just see that? Doubletake... Yep.

Giggle. "I like you." More giggling. The kid smacks a loud one on his girl's kisser. Louder giggling.


Apparently the school bathrooms, smoking corner behind the church, the park, their bedrooms, and all the other normal 14-year-old make out spots were already taken.

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