Monday, May 28, 2012

Filling up on Sundays

Blah, blah, blah, don't work on Sundays, blah, blah, blah.

It was dead today. Apparently there's always less business on Sundays, and with everyone being out of town for Memorial Day, it was even more dead. Needless to say, I got all my work done in the first hour of my shift.

At least, everything I could do until right before closing time, at midnight.

Distraction from Boredom #1: The Rock Climber

My friend came in for somewhere between a half hour to an hour and we talked while I restocked the beer cave. We chatted about girls, the ol' YSA ward, stuff and people that bugged us, more girls, and made plans for rock climbing tomorrow.

Distraction from Boredom #2: The Missionaries

No, I didn't get cornered in the shop by those pesky Mormon boys. Rather, I wrote letters to two good friends who are serving in Peru and Korea. I'm sure Peruvian's girlfriend will be happy upon reading this news.

Distraction from Boredom #3: Gum Girl

Okay, so there's no one in the shop until a cute girl pulls up in a powder blue VW Beetle. We chat for all of 15 seconds while she buys her two packs of gum and explains she comes in all the time only to buy gum, and asks if I'm new.

Not significant.

A woman about 45-years-old enters as Gum Girl exits, and asks if Gum Girl is my girlfriend. Nope, definitely not. I mean, she's cute and all, but definitely has a parking permit for my old high school, placing her at least five years younger than me and WELL below the legal age. Can you say jailbait?

Not sure if I should have written that...

Distraction from Boredom #4

There was one hotdog left. I didn't want to mark it down on the inventory list and needed to clean the hotdog rack anyway, so I just bought it. Not actually that cool.

Distraction from Boredom #5

So I'm pulling off the fountain heads for the Dr. Pepper, when these two women arrive separately and begin laughing when they see each other.

"Are you two in the same ward or something?"

Yup, called it. They both also had the same thought to get a Sabbath Day Diet Coke.

Distraction from Boredom #The Last

So I call one of my coworkers an hour before closing to ask a question (hey, it's my first night closing by myself) and she asked if I was about ready to clock out.

"Wait, we close an hour early on Sundays?" I ask her. Yup, totally. "Oh. That's good/bad. I guess I better start/finish all those closing time jobs real fast."

Good thing I work quickly when I need to. I think I even remembered to clock out.

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