Friday, May 18, 2012

The parking policy

I've worked enough minimum wage jobs to know at most places, policies aren't made by the college student in a company-issued polo shirt, so in my life I've made a conscious choice not to yell at any of said polo shirt-wearing grunts.

That being said, I told the parking garage attendant at the Gateway what I thought about the parking policies last night.

Let me back up.

A girl from Layton and I decided to meet up and watch a movie in Salt Lake. We get to the theater at 7:15ish only to find out the next showing of Avengers is at 9:40. No other movies interested us, so we decided to kill a couple hours walking around all the shops.

Blah, blah, blah, long story short, the movie gets out after midnight, so my car has been sitting in the terrace for a solid five hours.

Apparently when you validate parking at the Gateway, it only knocks two hours off of your total, which obviously isn't enough to even cover the movie, much less the time Layton and I spent wandering around.

I let the guy know how stupid the policy was.

To my surprise, he gave me an additional two validation slips and knocked the price down by six bucks.

Too bad Layton didn't kick up a fuss and get the "annoying customer discount."

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