Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bad boys, bad boys

Things at the gas station have been pretty mellow since I started working there a week or two ago.

I mean, people buy stuff and not much else changes. Every once in a while I have to clean up a mess or refill the coffee maker or whatever, but that's about the extent of excitement.

Yesterday a guy pulled into the parking lot only to be followed by a white Escalade with flashing undercover police lights and a funky ski rack-looking thing. The guy gets out and starts to come in before the police sergeant calls him over in the authoritative way cops do.

They talked for what seemed an unusually long time to be pulled over, the conversation broken up every few minutes for Guy to search the glove box while his kid also had to stand outside the car.

After a while, another undercover officer enters the parking lot, so that he and Sergeant can take turns standing extremely close to Guy.

The girl working the till and I both thought Guy was going to get arrested just because of how long the ordeal was taking and how close the cops stood to him.

After a while, Sergeant makes Guy and Kid take all their stuff out of the car before the cops confiscate the Honda and both cops head off.

Guy comes into the store and tells Till Girl and I the story. Apparently he was on his way home when his wife called and asked him to buy her a drink. So instead of going the normal way, Guy pulled by our gas station only to get pulled over.

Guy said said Sergeant's Escalade (Which was supposedly impounded and never paid for instead of bought by our tax dollars) has one of those new "smart" systems with scanners on the ski rack that can read 60 license plates per second.

Guy said his plate numbers were flagged with a revoked registration. Apparently he just re-registered, Wife just switched insurances, and Guy has this other court thing that probably held his license. Or something. Anyway, Guy and Kid had to walk a thousand address numbers home with all their stuff in grocery bags and Wife's Dew while their car was taken to the impound lot.

All because he let a white Escalade follow him.

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