Monday, July 23, 2012

Working hard

Working at Sorenson Caption Call to help the hard of hearing make phone calls has been a pretty good experience for me.

I mean, I hate it sometimes, but that's only because I'd rather be playing guitar or video games or rock climbing.

Or doing nothing.

But they pay me pretty well. Or at least, they pay a heck of a lot better than anything I could find if I had stayed in Logan, and especially for only 25 hours a week. Even more especially when they hired me knowing I'd only be there until through three weeks in August.

This week the Operations management announced that part time employees like me will be allowed to work up to 35 hours per week because of unusually high call volumes, but only through the 18th of August.

Coincidence that I'm moving back to Logan on the 18th? Probably not.

I think someone is watching out for me and knows exactly how much money I need to pay for rent and tuition this fall, how much I don't have, and how much I still need.

I'm really very lucky.

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