Sunday, July 15, 2012

They always know

My mission president and wife spoke in church today, and I obviously went to hear them.

What power.

I'd almost forgotten how certain they are in their testimonies. It was good to hear that again. It was good to meet them like old friends and hear Sister President tell all her missionaries we looked well enough to make an "old mother" so happy.

It was good to see so many old faces, though I didn't recognize half of the former missionaries there. It was good to see the Cowboy from my last transfer, the Ginger from glasgow, the Athlete from Stirling, and not to mention Office Sister and her cute granddaughter. I may regret writing that because I don’t know how old or young Granddaughter is.

We all made our way over to the home where sandwiches and cake were served. President and Sister President greeted everyone in line.

I felt cool because President asked everyone before me in line about their lives, but razzed me about writing anti-BYU literature in easy-to-read places. I’m glad he already knew what I was up to in life.

I ate with all my Scottish Aggies and we made plans for another glorious curry night when school starts back up.

As I left, President just said, “Tavin, be good.”

“What are you trying to say, President?”

“Just be good.”

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