Thursday, June 14, 2012

Helping the deaf hear since 2007

I've been at my new job at Sorenson CaptionCall for a couple weeks now.

Well, I first worked there a little bit in high school and then went to Scotland and Logan. Now that I'm back, I actually got a full dollar raise and I make more than three dollars better than I do at the ol' TAVron.

It's a pretty good gig too.

You know those annoying closed captioning subtitles on movies? I create a phone call version of that for the customers. Of course all call information is completely confidential, but we can get some very entertaining ones. Let's just say we caption every type of call and it doesn't matter if the number dialed is to grandma and grandpa or a 900 number.

Since I've done the job before, I flew through the 3-week training and graduated in four days. That's gotta make you feel cool, right?

The bad side is my schedule. Sunday through Friday at 6 a.m. to 11a.m., excluding Tuesdays. This not only means I have to get up at just after 5, but since I'm so dang tired after closing the ol' TAVron the night before, I have to take a good-sized nap most days, which means I either sacrifice rock climbing or go to work exhausted.

The good part is that it's pretty chill that early in the morning. There's a lot of down time, so I tweet away, train the voice recognition software to understand my voice better by reading USU football articles out loud, and catch up in the ol' Book of Mormon, but I never doze off because that's against company policy.

Hopefully I earn enough to pay for housing in Logan come August.

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